Nov 20, 2008

Mtn free browsing settings

1. Go to your phone Setting and locate Configuration. Check on Personal Configuration. Select
MTN (if it’s there) or create New Profile by clicking Option.

2. In the Account Name, type MTN WAP; Homepage, type

3. After typing, click OK. Username is: web; Password: web.

4. In the User Preferred Access Point, select NO. Access Point: click OK. Proxy: select Enable.
Proxy Address: type Proxy Port: 8080.

5. Data Barrier: select Packet Data. Then Barrier Setting: select OK. Access Point: type and click OK. Network Type: select IPV4. Authentication: select
NORMAL. Username: web and Password: web.

Enjoy free browsing on your phone.

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live robbery in Nigeria

This robbery happened in Oweeri where about 6 people were killed.